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Illustration style

Vy’s illustration style reflects our values and goals in a style and tone that should be reliable, charming and surprising. It creates a common language between our employees, customers, users and partners when they interact with our brand and services.

What is an illustration style?

An illustration style is an overarching concept for illustrated images that are used by Vy across departments, internally or externally. The illustrations are an extension of the design and should help support the brand in all channels. All illustrations that are produced or used should be based on these guidelines to ensure a universal expression. The illustration guidelines does not exclude the use of other materials for campaigns or other contexts where there are unique needs. But it is important that this does not lead to Vy’s brand being diluted or unclear to the users.

Direction and style

Vy’s illustration style is divided into four main categories that should make it easier to use illustrated images in different contexts. What distinguishes the different categories is the level of detail, color use and concept. The illustrations should give the profile warmth, it should create movement by using soft shapes, rounded edges and open endings. Vy should always be in motion, moving forward. Therefore, it is important to create depth by using overlapping elements or lines that lead the eye to the horizon.

A - Loading illustrations

This consists of simple abstracted lines with circles in different colors that are supposed to represent the travel route from door to door. Loading illustrations are mainly used as animated icons to show that content is loading. Different forms of loading help the user understand that their action is about to be performed. It can also create an illusion that the loading time is faster.


B - Large icons

Simple illustrations that help give life and details to ordinary icons a. Because icons are generally static and abstracted, we need a set of illustrations that can elaborate and convey messages in a better way. Large icons can be used to complement messages internally or externally without taking up too much space.


C - Icon illustrations

Icon illustrations are slightly more detailed colored illustrations. These help to create an even greater depth and can work on their own or together with other illustrations or messages. They can also be combined with other icon illustrations to create a larger environment.


D - Illustrations

These are the most complex illustrations in Vy’s illustration style and should be used where the main element and message is the illustration itself. This can be anything from Christmas cards to marketing campaigns or major updates in app or web. They can also be used as decorative elements both in app and on web. The illustrations often take their starting point in “large icons” or “icon illustrations” in combination with larger illustrated elements to create a composite story. They then function as building blocks and should follow the overarching rules for style and direction.


Illustrasjon basert på Store Ikoner


Illustrasjon basert basert på ikonillustrasjoner


All the colors in the palette are defined with specific values for digital surfaces. To ensure accurate reproduction, only the specified colors should be used for illustrations. Colors that only occur in the palette for the illustration style should not be used in other contexts.

The color palette is composed of warm and cold colors with varying degrees of clarity. The palette should give the illustrations a contrast to the profile colors and help to make Vy’s identity warmer, lively and more personal.

The illustration palette consists of 14 colors from the main palette: Dark Grey, White, Steel, Silver, Autumn, Rajah, Banana, Primrose, Green Haze, Coral Green, Pine, River, Glacier and Sky. It also has 10 new colors that should only be used for illustrations: Almond, Mocha, Sunset, Melon, Forrest, Fern, Lake, Aquamarine, Ash and Chantelle.

Use of illustrations

How should we use illustrations in our internal and external channels?
It is important to think about where and when to use illustrations, regardless of whether it is small or large contexts. For example, it is important that illustrations do not become disturbing elements in a purchase process, or that the information you are looking for becomes harder to find. We must show respect for our customers by making the user experience simple and understandable. Illustrations should therefore be secondary elements in our digital channels.

Examples of good use of illustrations can be a “Have a nice trip” message you get when you have completed a purchase, or when you perform a search and an error occurs, or no results are available. You should always follow up with text so that all users can understand the message.

In social channels, internally or externally, illustrations can be used for everything from marketing campaigns and newsletters to internal presentations and updates.


Quality assurance

All new illustrations that are designed, all changes that are made, and all cases of use that are to be published must go through Nina Tøgard who is the profile manager in Vy. This is to ensure a universal expression in our channels.

Contact info
Mobile: +47 91653264